Public Pedagogy: Mining the Museum University Studies Capstone Creative Industries Social Design

Public Pedagogy: Mining the Museum
University Studies Capstone Creative Industries Social Design
Instructor Jen Delos Reyes, Art and Social Practice Faculty
Course Description:
For this Creative Industries Public Pedagogy Capstone students will explore the concept of the museum as a site of public knowledge. Over the 10 week course students will examine the structures of museums by engaging intensely with two community partners: The Portland Art Museum and The Museum Museum. By asking key question such as: what are museums for? what is a curator? what is an audience? we will prepare ourselves to be able to engage fully in a dialogue with our collaborators. Students will be asked to examine their learning and see the various ways they can connect to their community, contextualize their learning publicly and mobilize themselves and others to share information using the idea of the public museum as a starting point. Students will also work directly with both partners to work on projects that address the institution and the public including audience research and mounting exhibitions.
image: Silver with slave chains in same display case from Fred Wilson’s “Mining the Museum”-1992