Assembly 2021
The Sound of Sheep: A Communal Gaze/Graze
Tuesday June 8, 4pm PST
Mo Geiger
This participatory online sound installation overlays a specific, detailed soundscape onto places where it does not seem to belong. Together while listening, we will focus on being in physical and not digital space: gazing at our environment and grazing on sensory information to slow the pace of observation. What can we learn by layering the sounds of one place on top of another? How does this action impact our sight?
Accompanied by sounds from a pasture in Boiling Springs, PA, participants will gather on Zoom and direct their cameras toward the environment that they are observing. Viewing an outdoor space, either in a natural or built environment, is encouraged. Existing layers of sound and motion are expected. During this time, similarities and dissonance between places can emerge through unplanned connections and imaginings.
Mo Geiger is an artist and student in Portland State University’s Art and Social Practice Program. Her work includes sculpture, performance, and experimentation with a focus on interdisciplinary processes. During her years working in technical theater, she became inspired by physical, tactile learning in a collaborative setting—a context she still prioritizes in both art and design. She develops projects by exploring methods, materials, and living histories that exist wherever she is. More here.
Danielle Moser is a second year livestock apprentice at the Dickinson College Farm and an aspiring food animal veterinarian. Her work as a student and as a farmer asserts the need for long-term solutions to problems in our current food systems, and she has a particular interest in food animal medicine’s role in sustainability and animal welfare.