Mining Resources at the Portland Institute of Contemporary Art (PICA)
Abner, Holly, Travis Hale, Kevin Kaempf, Jeff Kowalkowski, Heather Lindahl, Bill Talsma, Michael Thomas, and Mary Zerkel, comps. AMERICA/N. N.p.: Half Letter, 2013. Print.
The book is the culmination of a project to investigate the US Constitution. Lucky Pierre, collaborative group working in writing, performance, and visual forms, invited 24+ artists, activists and scholars to present a section of the Constitution during a 13 hour performance on November 6, Election Day. It is inspired by the 12-hours of presentations on Election Day. The publication includes a handy pocket constitution and documentation of the day along with the text and images from the presentations. And it looks really good. America/n (the book) was released on Inauguration Day, 2013. http://www.luckypierre.org/current/america-n.html
Bondt, Sara De., and Catherine De. Smet. Graphic Design: History in the Writing (1983-2011). [London]: Occasional Papers, 2012. Print.
Bourriaud, Nicolas. Relational Aesthetics. [Dijon]: Leses Du Réel, 2002. Print.
Cotton, Charlotte. The Machine Project: A Field Guide to the Los Angeles County Museum of ART. Ed. Mark Allen, Jason Brown, and Liz Glynn. Comp. Mark Allen and Joshua Beckman. N.p.: Machine Project, 2010. Print.
On November 15th, 2008 Machine Project was invited to visit the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, orchestrating ten hours of performances, workshops, and events experimenting with LACMA’s expansive grounds and enormous collection of stuff. http://www.machineproject.com/files/pdf/MP0806_LACMA_Final.lo-res.pdf
Garrels, Gary, Kara Kirk, Jim Lewis, Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Andy Warhol, and Photographer-Robert Frank, comps. Public Information: Desire, Disaster, Document. San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1994. Print.
O’donnell, Darren. Social Acupuncuture. N.p.: Coach House, 2006. Print.
Raunig, Gerald. Art and Revolution: Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century. N.p.: Semiotext(e), 2007. Print.
Wilson, Preface-Wil, and Forward-Patsy Phillips. Manifestations New Native Art Criticism. Ed. Nancy Mithlo. N.p.: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2012. Print.