
Field Research: Living the Dream

When you have to pinch yourself multiple times in a day to check if you’re awake, it’s a sure sign you’re living the dream. 

Today started early, with a committed group of PDX students attending a serene hour of Yoga led by teacher in training, Nikki.  None of us would have believed it was her first class teaching, we were so calm. 


A quick check-in with our classmates afar, then we headed downtown to the Museum of Contemporary Craft to meet with curator Sarah Margolis-Pineo to discuss our residency there leading up to Open Engagement.  



Then we had Lunch. (Some of us went to Little Big Burger for junk food, and others to Yogapearl for health food).  


The first of our afternoon meetings was at the new space of the Portland Institute of Contemporary Art.  There we were greeted by Visual Art Curator Kristan Kennedy.  We spoke with her about two related opportunities. The first was possibility to use PICA’s space for programming for Open Engagement, which we graciously accepted.  The second order of business was to talk about the possibility of our program curating an artist in residence in the resource centre. It looks like we’ll be artists in residence there starting somewhere near April 1st, 2013.  


Last on our day of amazing Field Trips was a visit with Justin Harn the director of programming and community engagement at the Hollywood Theatre.  Justin is so rad and really excited to collaborate with the program. He gave us a tour of the Theatre and talked about some of the past engaged programming that has happened at the theatre.  
This evening Fieldwork coordinators Erin Charpentier and Travis Neel are hosting the Neighbourhood Association meeting at FieldWork.  
An exciting day in Portland for the Art and Social Practice MFA….