
New Application Requirements

1 substitution, 3 additions and one elaboration

Social Practice CV (This will replace the current CV requirement)

Create a 1 page CV for social practice art. This is not a standard resume and should include the following information: What things have you done that would help you in socially engaged work?  What life experiences do you have that you think would be an asset in this approach to art making?

Include – objectives, skills, assets, experiences, or anything else that has prepared you for being a social practice artist.

1.Video Tour of the Highlights in Your Neighborhood.

Create a short video (3 min maximum) of what you consider to be the highlights of your neighborhood. Video quality is not an issue, Cell phone/web cam videos are acceptable. Please upload your finished video to and send us the link in your application.

2. Ask a stranger the significance of the clothes they are wearing. Create a short video (3 min maximum) you having a stranger describe for you the significance of the clothes they are wearing. Video quality is not an issue, Cell phone/web cam videos are acceptable. Please upload your finished video to and send us the link in your application.

3. Demonstrate a talent. Create a short video (3 min maximum) where you demonstrate a talent. Video quality is not an issue, Cell phone/web cam videos are acceptable. Please upload your finished video to and send us the link in your application.