Assembly 2021
Our Current Twilight Zone: Auditing Whiteness in Popular Culture
Wednesday June 9, 12pm PST
Caryn Aasness, Diana Marcela Cuartas, Laura Glazer, Becca Kauffman, Roshani Thakore, Kiara Walls
What do Dance Moms, Family Guy, the Twilight Zone, and The Bachelor all have in common? Spoiler alert: white supremacy! NOT NEUTRAL, a mixed-race space for first year students focusing on racial equity and community building, invites you to join us in a critical scoring party of American culture through popular media. Using a DIY scorecard, we’ll collectively watch cringeworthy clips from classic and contemporary television shows to evaluate their relationships with race, gender, age, and ability. Perfectionism, paternalism, defensiveness— the current Twilight Zone we live in has got ‘em all!
NOT NEUTRAL is a mixed-race space with the first year students of the PSU MFA Art + Social Practice Program led by Roshani Thakore.
White Supremacy Scorecard for you to use can be found here.