Assembly 2021
Wednesday June 9, 5pm PST
Diana Marcela Cuartas

After more than a year living in “unprecedented times” and political turmoil, surviving a global pandemic, wildfires, snowstorms, and work from home. Finally, it is time to gather and process. Pandememes is a space for study, creation, and collective reflection on what the pandemic brought to our lives, using the most accessible coping mechanism we have on our hands: MEMES!
Diana Marcela Cuartas (she/her) is a Colombian artist and 1st-year student in the Art and Social Practice program at Portland State University. In 2019, she moved to Portland, Oregon, where she has been working independently for the promotion and exchange between Pacific Northwest and Latin American artists. Diana was raised watching Peruvian TV from her home in Cali, Colombia, which allowed her to expand her knowledge about US 90’s popular culture, Mexican telenovelas, and Japanese Anime. She loves watching The Simpsons (Seasons 1 to 8), and other TV classics like The Twilight Zone and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. She used to manage a Facebook meme account about the Colombian art scene, creating original content and encouraging other critical minds to generate fresh memes too.