Assembly 2020
Performance for One Person
A series of public encounters choreographed with and for individual residents of Walla Walla, Washington
Tia Kramer and Sabina Rogers
Saturday June 6, 2020 from 2-2:50p
Performance for One Person, a series of public encounters choreographed with and for individual residents of Walla Walla, Washington was initially devised as a mode of interruption. Each performance is researched in relationship with a single audience member and then created with our shared communities. Woven into the routine of the audience member’s life, these performances rearrange elements of daily life — relationships, site and community — blurring the line between everyday and performance.
Join social choreographer Tia Kramer and writer/performer Sabina Rogers for a workshop exploring the methods they use to make these performances. This session will begin with an introduction to the first performance, At Dusk We Walk Home Together, Performance for Guillermo. The group will then engage in a brief exercise that explores the participatory research and processes that generate these intimate performances. They will conclude with an excerpt from an interview with Guillermo where he shares his reflections on the performance.